We Learn

Zoom Wednesday Bible Study Bible Study is on a short break. Ecclesiastical Bits & Bytes Technology and Theology with Fr. Andrew Are you feeling intimidated with your computer, tablet, and smartphones? Are you frustrated with virtual meetings? Greetings, favored one. Do not be afraid for the Lord is with us. Contact the office to set […]

We Pray

Pray for All During this challenging time, please be intentional about setting a time to pray. Pray for those on the prayer list.

February from the Vestry

Kitty Riney, Sr. Warden s I embark on the awesome responsibility of being your Senior Warden in 2024 I wish to thank you for allowing me this opportunity. This next year will have its own unique challenges. The 81st General Convention, June 20th to June 28th, is being hosted by our Diocese. It will be […]

February from the Deacon

Pete Womack – Deacon has an opportunity to help serve the needs of the homeless in Metro Louisville in a direct way through the Cathedral. Dean Matthew Bradley is working on a pilot project that will open a branch of A Room In The Inn in Louisville to see if it will be successful in […]

rectors study
February Rector’s Study

Fr. Andrew, Rector Beloved, knowledge puffs up, but Love builds up (1 Cor 8:1). Apostle Paul’s message to the people of Corinth couldn’t have come at a perfect time at the annual meeting to remind us of what matters the most in Christian lives – Love. As the mission statement spells out, we are committed […]