General Announcement

advance notice!!!it’s in the planning stage and will soon be announced ST. PAUL’S BREAKFAST CONFRATERNITY that has the purpose of bringing together the men of the parish fornourishment, plotting, planning, and strategizing while exercising aman’s right to congregate, negotiate, have a chinwag, and otherwisepontificate about the issues of the world. Confrères will have no purpose […]

March From The Preschool

Spring is just around the corner, St Paul’s Family! As the weather warms and the grass and trees begin to green, the preschool children are more and more excited to make use of our wonderful playground and green space. They’re ready to run off the winter “blahs” and we grown-ups are ready to spend more […]

March From the Vestry

Missed Opportunities Today I was returning from dropping off fellowship supplies at church and I happened to pass a man who had put several bags of groceries down on the sidewalk. I cannot tell you anything about this man. I do not know if he was young or old, black, or white, gay, or straight. […]

March from the Deacon

On February 20th of this year, my wife Kim and I were supposed to leave for a trip to the Holy Lands. On October 8th of last year, one day into the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip, I realized that the trip would be cancelled. Since then, I have watched the […]

rectors study
March Rector’s Study

Beloved, A wise man once told me, “We are who we are. Time only makes us more so.” I had thought it meant my usual self became more amplified as I grew older and did not expect it to suggest changes. The Diversity Game, a program to assess individual character types in group dynamics, showed […]

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St. Patrick’s Day Fellowship

Enjoy Ray’s Cornbeef and Cabbage. Date: March 16, 2024 Time: 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Suggested Fees: $15 for adults. $5 for Children under 12, or PAY-AS-YOU-CAN. While many enjoy fried fish during Lent, we will not forget our beloved Saint Patrick of Ireland. You will love our Ray’s legendary corn beef and cabbage, Irish soda […]

General Announcements

Most of us, like you and me, inch our way through life, sure on the one hand that it will never end, certain on the other that it will surely be ending for us soon. . . .It is at moments of such quiet consciousness that it is important to come face-to-face with what it […]

Season of Lent 2024

Lent is a sacred season in which we are drawn through acts of penance and purification more deeply into the heart of Christ. In many ways, Lent is about dying: dying to self as you embrace the cross of Christ; dying to the world as you live as a citizen of heaven; dying to material […]

We Rejoice

Website Communication is the key to a successful ministry. Be sure to check out the website to keep up to date on church activities.

We Serve

Calvary Episcopal Church Food Pantry Please join us at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church each Sunday from 9 am – 12 pm for the Sunday Service food collection. All food is counted and delivered to Calvary on Thursday morning after collection. If you would like to volunteer to help with driving and delivery, contact Ray Brown […]