Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices*
We will begin our journey through The Book of Common Prayer on the first Sunday in August, beginning at 9:00 A.M. with an overview of the book and the schedule.
Even if you participated in confirmation classes at some point in your life, you may be surprised at the depth of learning you will experience by entering the discussion that takes place in these sessions. As with other small groups, there will be an assigned facilitator for each chapter that we cover. Participants should begin byreviewing the Introduction (xi) and Beliefs & Practices (Chapter1). The group discussion is designed to assist us in seeing how our prayer shapes our belief and our lives—and how our beliefs lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
If you are new to the Episcopal Church or a “cradle Episcopalian”, it will be a definite plus to join in the discussion. This is the place where you can come away with many of your questions answered and contribute what your experiences have taught you. This adult forum is especially important if you desire baptism, confirmation, or being received in the Church.
Mark your calendartoday: Sunday, August 4, 9:00—10:15 A.M. in the small conference room.
*The book may be purchased at new and used booksellers such as Amazon, Half-price books, etc.)