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March Rector’s Study

Beloved, “Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them.” It is from Matthew 6, which we read annually on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. I find reading this passage awkward every year because I go out publicly with the cross on my forehead, smeared in ashes made from […]

February 2025 Rector Study
February Rector’s Study

Beloved, My friend recently told me this quote: “No one talks about how hard spiritual growth and dying to ourselves is. It’s not a one-time thing; it’s every day. It’s remaining quiet when we want to speak. It’s trusting God’s timing when we would rather control. It’s doing it God’s way when it doesn’t make […]

Office Cleanin
January Rector’s Study

Beloved,  I have been tidying up my office since December. Thanks to George, my ordination certificates and the seminary diploma were finally on the wall after sitting on the floor at home for ten years. A new collection of social work-related books must find its home on my bookshelves, meaning I am parting with some […]

December 2024 Rector's Study
December Rector’ Study

Beloved,  I’ve decided to share my sermon from November 17th on Mark 13:1-8 to help prepare our hearts and minds to realign with the Advent Spirit of anticipation instead of filling my message with joyful noise and Christmas and ignoring the inevitable rest. As your pastor, I must not overlook the opportunity to keep our […]

November 2024 rector
November Rector’s Study

Beloved,  It’s November. This month, we have many critical milestones to accomplish. Please keep your eyes, ears, mind, and heart open. Take a bulletin home, check our weekly e-communication, listen carefully to the announcements during the service, and please read this monthly newsletter. All the milestones point to the theme of gratitude. We thank God […]

milk bags
October Rector’s Study

Beloved,  Isn’t it amazing how the same Scriptural passage surprises us by speaking to our hearts differently depending on where we are spiritually? As I gazed at the beautiful Detroit skyline across the river, I encountered such an amazement. About fifteen years ago, I lived in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, just a stone’s throw away from […]

September Rector Study
September Rector’s Study

Beloved,  Beloved, did you know that there are 1.97 million Christians in Japan? This number, though small in comparison to the national population, represents a significant community with a rich history. Since the arrival of Francis Xavier, the first Jesuit missionary from Spain, in 1549, six years after the first Portuguese traders came to Japan, […]

Love Message
August Rector’s Study

Beloved,  I don’t know about you, but I have tried many things to overcome bad habits to meet a new and better “me.” By trying, I mean an eternal quest to find “the right” self-help organizing products, inspirational quotes, and revolutionary so-called life hacks to stay motivated and successfully change. Despite countless efforts, I almost […]

July Rector's Study
July Rector’s Study

Beloved,  Tavernacle! That’s what I am going to do! In my seminary days, I often enjoyed playing fantasy church over drinks with my classmates about future ministry. Each of us had some unique vision about our future ministry, such as various chaplaincy, parish ministry, academia, or even purple fever (those who aspire to be a […]

June 2024 Rector's Study
June Rector’s Study

Beloved,   In March 1952, Albert Einstein said, “The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think.” His poignant remark timelessly describes my past five years at Kent School. Training the mind to think of the future—an extension of today, which is the result […]