Ash Wednesday

What is Lent?

Lent is a new opportunity to examine our relationship with God and each other and to follow the example of Jesus, who remained true to the end. If we are ever to change our behavior, we must first allow for God to change our hearts. Lent is a season of repentance, prayer and fasting. During this solemn and expectant time, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made in giving his life for all humanity. We invite you to share in our Anglican traditions as well as special activities that are offered here at St. Paul’s Church.

Lent is a sacred season in which we are drawn through acts of penance and purification more deeply into the heart of Christ.

In many ways, Lent is about dying: dying to self as you embrace the cross of Christ; dying to the world as you live as a citizen of heaven; dying to material wants and sensual pleasures that you may be raised by God to new heights; dying to fleeting things so that you may take hold of eternal life. And all along, it is God who sustains you, gives you strength and directs your path. Lent, then, is a journey into the wondrous and beautiful heart of God.  So that we may experience this Lenten Season in the best ways possible, our theme for this season is “How to Lent.”

Ash Wednesday, 3/5/2025 Imposition of Ashes &             12:15 PM and 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist