Special Services & Prayer Opportunities

Stations of the Cross in the Church

Every Friday at 6 pm during Lent March 7 thru April 18, 2025. Personal stations on Good Friday.

After a long, hard week, how would you like to enter the quiet sanctuary, take a deep breath, and meditate for half an hour with fellow Christians?

Fourteen stations of the cross on the walls depict the Passion of Jesus Christ. Going through each station is an ancient devotion to make a spiritual pilgrimage.

Memorial Garden

Open to the public daily.

“It has become personal,” said Ray, a beloved member of many years when he was taking care of the garden one day. So many faithful friends and family are now at rest peacefully in this sacred garden.

The Memorial Garden was established in the mid-1980s, with the first interment occurring in 1991. We have been regularly taking good care of this sacred place ever since. Over the years, we planted trees, shrubs, and flowers to appreciate the fond memories of our old friends.

You will feel the legacy of faith fully alive and present, watching over us.


Open to the public 24/7/365.

Just by the sheer abundance of the words walk and way, Scripture and Tradition suggest that the labyrinth is a reasonable resource for Christians. Indeed, the labyrinth was widely used in the Medieval Church as a substitute for pilgrimage. Ours is based on the one still found on Chartres Cathedral’s floor.

The labyrinth seems to serve with the Spirit “to guide and govern us.” Dr. Lauren Artress contends that labyrinths reflect such natural patterns as the migration of birds, hibernation, mating dances, and the schooling of fish. Observing that the labyrinth is “based on a circle, the universal symbol for unity and wholeness,” she says it “sparks the imagination” and “builds a sense of relationship.” (See her book, Walking a Sacred Path)

No matter why and how the labyrinth “works,” the experience of countless people today attests that it does. Ours is one of the increasing numbers in the city, state, nation, and world.

2025 Spiritual Opportunities for Lent

What is Lent?
Lent is a new opportunity to examine our relationship with God and each other and to follow the example of Jesus, who remained true to the end. If we are ever to change our behavior, we must first allow for God to change our hearts. Lent is a season of repentance, prayer and fasting. During this solemn and expectant time, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made in giving his life for all humanity. We invite you to share in our Anglican traditions as well as special activities that are offered here at St. Paul’s Church.

Lent is a sacred season in which we are drawn through acts of penance and purification more deeply into the heart of Christ.

In many ways, Lent is about dying: dying to self as you embrace the cross of Christ; dying to the world as you live as a citizen of heaven; dying to material wants and sensual pleasures that you may be raised by God to new heights; dying to fleeting things so that you may take hold of eternal life. And all along, it is God who sustains you, gives you strength and directs your path. Lent, then, is a journey into the wondrous and beautiful heart of God.  So that we may experience this Lenten Season in the best ways possible, our theme for this season is “How to Lent.”

March, 2025
Shrove Tuesday, 3/4/2025       Annual Pancake Supper at the church & takeout       5: – 7:00 PM
Ash Wednesday, 3/5/2025       Imposition of Ashes &                               12:15 PM and 7:00 PM

Holy Eucharist
Stations of the Cross each Friday at 6 PM at church beginning 3/7/2025 thru 4/18/2025.  Personal stations on Good Friday.
The Labrynth is available 24/7/365.

How to Lent

Sometimes, it feels like Lent is just about giving up chocolate. But deep down, we all desire to do something more for Lent—we just don’t know how to do it. How to Lent is a new series from the Augustine Institute that aims to equip Catholics with the tools to understand and practice the pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Guided by Solenne Santiago and with the help of priests and religious, this series will challenge our preconceived notions about Lent, laying out a roadmap for entering the season with a purpose. Don’t let Lent sneak up on you like it did last year. Instead, heed the call of St. John the Baptist by preparing for the Lord, using How to Lent to transform your spiritual life this Lenten season.

Wednesday, 3/12/2025            5:30 PM          Soup Supper
Program:  Back to Basics

“So, Ash Wednesday is just around the corner… I guess it’s time to start thinking about Lent. But what is Lent, and why does it matter?  If you have thought this way, you are not alone. In this introduction, we will turn to Scripture to answer these questions and explore the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. You’ll walk away from this episode understanding the “why” behind each Lenten practices and will be prepared to live this Lent differently.

Wednesday, 3/19/2025            5:30 PM          Soup Supper
Program:  Prayer

Prayer is essential to Christian life, but it’s often difficult to make time for it, to know what to say, or even just to listen God. In this episode, we will turn to Scripture to understand the Church’s teaching on prayer. From that framework, you will learn how to pray and gather some of our best tips for praying during Lent. Prayer isn’t just another thing to do during Lent; it is the foundation of all Lenten practices.


Wednesday, 3/26/2025              5:30 PM          Soup Supper
Program:  Fasting

Why do we fast during Lent? Does anybody really like fasting?  Fasting can feel like a hard diet. Is there more to it? In this episode, we will dive into how this physical act of penance deepens our spiritual lives and learn what our sacrifices should be motivated by.


Wednesday, 4/2/2025              5:30 PM          Soup Supper
Program:  Almsgiving

Almsgiving may seem as simple as giving money away, but what are the deeper roots of this Christian practice?  In Scripture, we hear about the benefits of giving away our money and possessions. But what does it look like for us in the 21st century? In this episode, we’ll explore how almsgiving helps us to trust God more and increases our love of our neighbor. What better time to start giving than in Lent, a season of renewal and repentance?

4/9/2025 Triduum: A Spiritual Pilgrimage

Triduum: A Spiritual Pilgrimage is a beautiful, 30 minute contemplative documentary. This film cinematically walks through the locations of the Holy Week story, re-presenting the most important days of human history. Immersed in the real and sacred places of the Holy Land, the pilgrim faithful is brought tangibly nearer to the story, the landscape, and the reality of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Triduum draws Catholics and those with open hearts and minds to experience a deeper understanding of these events and places, and offers rich meditations for the pilgrimage of daily life. Now more than ever, as many of us are confined to our homes, journey along this spiritual pilgrimage and be drawn more deeply into the life and love of God.


Monday in Holy Week            9:00 AM          Morning Prayer (Zoom link forthcoming)
Tuesday in Holy Week            6:00 PM          Compline   (Zoom link forthcoming)
Wednesday in Holy Week       7:00 PM          TBD

The Paschal Triduum
Maundy Thursday, 4/17
.         5:30 PM          Agapé Supper (congregate in Parish Hall downstairs)
Holy Eucharist, Foot Washing, Stripping of Altar, Garden of Repose
Good Friday, 4/18          12 Noon-3 PM         “Death on a Friday Afternoon”, Holy Communion
Holy Saturday, 4/19                5:00 PM          Holy Eucharist

Easter Day, 4/20                    8:00 AM         Holy Eucharist

                                                      9:00 AM         Adult Formation

                                                     10:30 AM         Choral Eucharist

                                                                                 Flowering of the Cross



Please contact Kathy Dawkins (352-223-4734 or kathydawkins123@gmail.com) if you need

transportation to any of these events.  Let her know if you would like to help on one of the teams.